
Sourcing a business

How do I find a private company for sale?

There are many routes to finding a private company for sale. These can include online directories, Linkedin, researchers, business sale brokers/agents, accountants, solicitors, corporate financiers acting for buyers/sellers, friends/family network, etc etc.

However, some of these routes require you to be able to undertake some or all of the research yourself. Others will require you to pay a retainer, which can often be a hefty sum. Of the ones who have a specific business for sale, none of these will allow you to progress too far without signing a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and even requesting the NDA in the first place can be a challenge. Equally, a large proportion of the advisers are not keen to progress a private individual’s interest very far without a lot of detailed information being requested from you and even then, that information supplied has to be vetted by t

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